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Residential renovation plans in Mirabel

Make it easier to coordinate your residential renovation work in Mirabel by entrusting the design of your plans to Dubord Design Architecture!

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Drawing up plans for residential renovation work in Mirabel

A successful home renovation project requires careful planning and identification of necessary work, such as demolishing a wall, installing a veranda or creating an extension.

During the design phase of your renovation project, we will assist you every step of the way. Together, we will define the work that needs to be done and create precise plans to ensure everything is executed seamlessly.

Furthermore, we are here to help you select the perfect decor for your interior.

Benefit from our personalised guidance to design your home renovation plans !

Home renovation plans Mirabel
Our areas of expertise
  • Residential architecture and design
  • Drawing up plans and coordinating renovation work
  • Exterior design
  • Interior design
Our strengths
  • Professionalism
  • Tailor-made projects
  • Single point of contact
Service area

Our office is located in Mirabel, but we can travel to all neighbouring municipalities.

Much more than just designing renovation plans

Our services go beyond just designing plans. We provide complete support to homeowners who want to renovate their homes from top to bottom.

This includes coordinating the work and supervising the site. We also create plans for new homes. When you choose our services for your home renovation project, you can rest assured that you will be working with highly qualified architects with over 25 years of experience in the field.

Contact us today to learn more !

Let us design the plans for your home renovation in Mirabel !

House renovation plans Mirabel